Wisconsin Weightlifting

Official Website for the Wisconsin WSO

NOTICE (DEC 2024) : The website is almost done being updated. We are still working on updating rankings and results. Thanks for being patient.

2020 Wi State Championship now set for July 18 (19th if needed)

We are excited to announce the 2020 State Championship meet has been rescheduled.

NX Level Sports Performance and the NX Level Weightlifting Club are proud to be hosting the Wisconsin State Championships on Saturday, July 18th, 2020 and possibly July 19th.

We are anticipating a huge day of competition and are looking forward to the buzz and energy that meet day brings! This will be a 1-2 Day Meet with 1 competition platform, we will utilize the Olyftia Software to help facilitate the meet as well as a traditional card system. We will award individual medals for the senior classes, overall medals for the youth and masters classes. Look to @nxlevelwlc on Instagram and on Facebook for continuous updates on team requirements, schedules, and any other pertinent meet information.

Registration is open on BARS https://usaweightlifting.sport80.com/#/910405/e/meets

Facebook Event: https://facebook.com/events/s/wisconsin-state-championships-/291240495392866/?ti=icl

We will also use this weekend for our 2020 Wisconsin LWC membership meeting. Realizing that the idea of pulling everyone together in one place is not ideal, we will be sending out an agenda with the information we would plan to review at the meeting. More details to come on the meeting and specifics around meet precautions.

Got a meet, seminar, or other weightlifting event you'd like added to this site?