Wisconsin Weightlifting

Official Website for the Wisconsin WSO

NOTICE (DEC 2024) : The website is almost done being updated. We are still working on updating rankings and results. Thanks for being patient.


As an Athlete

As a registered USA Weightlifting Athlete you are eligible to compete in local competitions and qualify for national competitions. All membership is handled directly by the national office. You can register online here

Switching Clubs and Coaches

If you do not have a club listed on your membership, and have not had one listed for at least 4 months, you can e-mail usaw@usaweightlifting.org and give them your membership number and the club number you should be added to.

If you are currently affiliated with a club or have been unattached less than 4 months, you will need to fill out a Change-Delete-Transfer form and have it signed by your old club coach and new club coach.

The change-delete-transfer form can also be used to update your current primary or secondary coach. Coaches receive credit for developing athletes to national and international levels. You should only list someone as your coach if they are actively and regularly involved in your development as an athlete.

Starting a Club

To start a club all you need is at least one certified Club Coach. A certified Club Coach is a USAW member who has passed the Level 1 Sports Perfomance course and submitted/passed background checks. To register your club, submit the Club Application form to the LWC president.

More information on starting a club:

Got a meet, seminar, or other weightlifting event you'd like added to this site?