Wisconsin Weightlifting

Official Website for the Wisconsin WSO

NOTICE (DEC 2024) : The website is almost done being updated. We are still working on updating rankings and results. Thanks for being patient.

March 2020 Update

March Update Doc

LWC Board Nominations/voting: Watch your emails soon for a message from USAW calling for nominations for WI LWC positions. This year we will vote on LWC President, Competition Chair, and Athlete Representative. The nominations should be wrapped up before the LWC State Championship meet, and voting should begin after the meet.

Annual Membership Meeting: We will again hold our annual membership meeting the same day as the state meet, April 4th at NX Level. Watch for communication ~ 3/23 for details on timing of the meeting. The board will share an agenda ahead of the meeting, but if anyone has topics they would like added feel free to reach out.

State Championship meet registration is on BARS, login and search WI meets to get all the details. Registration is open through 3/22 so don’t miss out. We are again planning a 1 day meet so no need to worry if you will lift on Saturday or Sunday, everyone will lift Saturday April 4th. Making this a 1 day, 2 platform meet takes tons of help, so please if you are available to volunteer let nxhansen@gmail.com know.

Got a meet, seminar, or other weightlifting event you'd like added to this site?