Wisconsin Weightlifting

Official Website for the Wisconsin WSO

NOTICE (DEC 2024) : The website is almost done being updated. We are still working on updating rankings and results. Thanks for being patient.

Kilo Classic

8/12/2017 Wausau, WI


Athlete BW SNA C&J TOT Sinclair
Brianna Jacobs 61.40 56 87 143 193.37
Megan Buschkopf 62.70 61 71 132 175.98
Eryn Morrison 69.40 60 79 139 173.83
Shengyang Vang 74.40 45 63 108 129.87
Rachel Lesorgen 84.50 76 96 172 194.41


Athlete BW SNA C&J TOT Sinclair
Sawyer Meverden 77.00 85 105 190 239.27
Charles McDonald 83.80 125 166 291 350.24
Noah Nordness 83.70 94 125 219 263.74
Kyle King 83.10 96 119 215 259.87
Collin Worm 88.60 145 175 320 374.85
Nathan Stemo 90.80 141 171 312 361.39
Martin O'Leary 86.50 81 105 186 220.38
Christopher Goff 93.00 75 100 175 200.57
Jordan Greenland 99.60 135 160 295 328.72
Vincent Spratte 95.80 120 160 280 316.90
Daniel Van Duser 102.60 97 118 215 236.92
Scott Glen 103.90 88 124 212 232.55
Kevin Schuirmann 104.60 85 105 190 207.92
John HIntz 102.60 74 95 169 186.23
Herolind Jusufi 108.20 100 125 225 243.40

Best Lifters

Female Sinclair
Rachel Lesorgen 194.41
Brianna Jacobs 193.37
Megan Buschkopf 175.98
Male Sinclair
Collin Worm 374.85
Nathan Stemo 361.39
Charles McDonald 350.24

Got a meet, seminar, or other weightlifting event you'd like added to this site?